my roblox avatar

(credit for scotloz on discord for making this nice pfp :D)


i'm tomato! (you can call me tomatosaucey too! i'm josé irl, pronouns are he/him) i'm 15 boy that likes games and programing! i'm also autistic too. (but it wont bother you or me), i have lots of friends too! my best freind is sharky, he helped me create my own lil' discord server! i'm nice too, i try to help ppl as i can with issues, and i make lots of cool projects! i also have a discord (@tomatosaucey95), twitter, mastodon and a youtube channel were i post silly stuff! hope we get to talk to you if you want! and if you want to play with me on roblox you can! (after you sent a freind request and i allowed it) :D

Project Gallery

this is were i will post my projects/games that i'm making, some of them are small, some are unfinished, but u can find something cool here!

Github ReposMy graveyard of dead projects, they are open source but dont check them since PRs are rare for me that i just left them there rotting.
Newgrounds GamesI dont check on NG that offent, and i rarely upload something there since its easy to not finish a game that works for html5. GamesSame deal as NG, you can still find most of my puzzlescript games there, tho i'm not good at puzzle design.
(Roblox) Arena Fighting Game Without A NameA game inspired by Item Asylum & Clone Drone In The Danger Zone, its unfished, quite buggy, and i took a break in making it, but its my most developed public game i made so far!